13 August 2007

The Inaugural Post!

Wow! I'm a blogger! Ooh, it feels a little naughty, but don't worry, folks! I'll keep it clean! Let's start with the reason I created this blog: I LOVE TO TRAVEL! There, I said it! Almost as much as travel, I love to TALK about travel! The places I've been, the places I'd love to visit, and the places I wish I could UN-visit! I don't pretend to be an expert on travel. Lord knows, every trip I've ever been on has been a learning experience...not just about the location, but the process of getting there, getting around, and getting the hell up outta there!!!
What can readers expect from this blog? Well, you'll get my take on just about every aspect of travel...from my own travel experiences. There are lots of travelers who have traveled to a heck of a lot more locales than I have (basically I've only hit two continents, including the one in which I currently reside ), and you'll find plenty of intrepid trekkers who have been to more exotic locales than I have ever dreamed of visiting (any place that requires a machete, is probably NOT the place for me), but I guarantee, you'll be hard pressed to find another chica who loves to travel as much as I do!
So, I hope you enjoy my rants and raves, and take this blog in the spirit in which it is intended: WITH MUCH LOVE!!!!

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