14 August 2007

Super Cheap Travel Tip

Need a mini vacation, but have NO CASH??? Do what I do: Visit your own town like a Tourist!
I must admit, I have it easy. I live in Boston which is a prime tourist destination, but, though I've lived here for a total of 10 years, I'm constantly reminded of the things I haven't seen or done in this city. I hadn't even been to the beach, in spite of the fact that I only live 30 minutes away by train!

During the week, open your local phone book: most have a section in the front dedicated to local parks, museums and other attractions. Pick two or three that you've never visited, or haven't visited in a long while. Get up early Saturday morning and hit the ground running. Treat yourself to a lunch featuring a local specialty, and don't forget to bring your camera!!!

Optional: if you have a few extra bucks, get a hotel room in a touristy part of town to further the illusion of travel!

It is sooooo easy to get caught up in your day to day routine and miss the cultural richness that is right outside your door...so the next time you're wishing you had the time or money for a mini-vacation, just look no further than you're own hometown!

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